Surveyor™ Analog pH Kit

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$69.99 USD

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(Previously known as the Gravity Analog pH Kit)

The Atlas Scientific Surveyor™ pH Kit low-cost solution for engineers who are looking for a simple monitoring solution with a basic analog output. This kit comes with everything you need to get started. The Atlas Scientific Surveyor™ pH kit gives you the same sensing capabilities found in handheld disposable pH meters but lasts a hell of a lot longer.

Surveyor™ dimensions
56.2mm x 32mm (2.2″ x 1.2″)
Weight: 15 grams

• 1x Surveyor™ Analog pH Sensor / Meter
• 1x Double junction – Silver / silver chloride Consumer Grade pH Probe
• 3x 20ml Atlas Scientific calibration solutions pouches (pH 4, 7 and 10)

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